Saturday, 17 March 2018 11:38

The sound illusion that makes Dunkirk so intense (March 6, 2018)

As a blind person and a recording engineer and producer, I am always interested in matters of sound. Whether musical composition or making sound effects for film/video games, sound is my universe.

I think this article is something that any sound enthusiast will find of interest and also for those nerds that have composition focused brains, the musical aspects discussed are quite fascinating.

I have to say the film in question, Dunkirk I didn’t find particularly compelling, however, I assume that it has to do with much of the film's majesty being visual in nature. The soundtrack/score was great and the reason in the article below might surprise you.

At any rate, there are some great techniques discussed that I want to try myself.

Read the article here:

The sound illusion that makes Dunkirk so intense

Read 5165 times

Showcase Tracks
Select favorites from some of Joey's top albums, plus a bonus tribute to Joey.
"When I was about 12 years old, I became a fan of public radio and the classic and modern radio shows they broadcast, not to mention the amazing music and news programs that are at the heart of public radio. I was very sick as a child as the result of a brain tumor which is also the reason I am blind. One of my favorite shows was made by the company ZPPR out of New York. George Zar one of the founders and I became friends. I called George once, at the age of 12 or 13 and told him I was a fan. I got letters from the cast of the ZPPR productions wishing me well and to get better and then they even named a character of the show after me. Here is a clip where that character was featured." —Joey
Album Record

Album Record

Still Me, Sane And Free
Album Record

Take A Walk In The Shadows
Album Record

Truth Is A Misty Mountain
Album Record

We'll See
Album Record

ZPPR Tribute to Joey