Saturday, 17 March 2018 11:59

Big Murder is 'killing it' with their new release "Slow Moving Planet" (March 16, 2018)

One of the best things that happens to me in my role as either a recording engineer, producer, music journalist, music ambassador for the music city of Macon, GA, or as a music business industry consultant, is that I get to hear a lot of great music.

Of course, sometimes it just happens that one of my friends turns me on to something great.

That is what happened with Big Murder. My good friends Andrew and Morgan Bennett sent me an email about this group and I was hooked.

Big Murder has a lot of weaponry with which to kill, musically speaking.

Lyrics that are heartfelt and shouting out warnings like a clipping audio meter about the rampant divisions in our communities and the crazy changes of 21st century life play an important role in why you should fork over your hard-earned money to check the band out. However, it is the groove factor that really makes the band's music something you will want to consume!

While the current release Slow Moving Planet has a lot of great musical moments, the stand out tracks for me are "Barking At The Gods" and "Gray Sky".

Musically, I get the impression that these guys like the bands Rush and The Cult. There are also some delicate moments on the record that pay homage to The Beatles and even some pounding adrenaline-filled anger that would sound at home on a Rage Against the Machine record.

Slow Moving Planet has it all and it is well worth your time to check these guys out while they are still a home-grown powerhouse. Once they get famous, or at least infamous, the merch will cost more!

iTunes Link: Slow Moving Planet - EP by Big Murder
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Showcase Tracks
Select favorites from some of Joey's top albums, plus a bonus tribute to Joey.
"When I was about 12 years old, I became a fan of public radio and the classic and modern radio shows they broadcast, not to mention the amazing music and news programs that are at the heart of public radio. I was very sick as a child as the result of a brain tumor which is also the reason I am blind. One of my favorite shows was made by the company ZPPR out of New York. George Zar one of the founders and I became friends. I called George once, at the age of 12 or 13 and told him I was a fan. I got letters from the cast of the ZPPR productions wishing me well and to get better and then they even named a character of the show after me. Here is a clip where that character was featured." —Joey
Album Record

Album Record

Still Me, Sane And Free
Album Record

Take A Walk In The Shadows
Album Record

Truth Is A Misty Mountain
Album Record

We'll See
Album Record

ZPPR Tribute to Joey